Msheireb Metro Station, Doha

Msheireb Metro Station
Qatar, Qatar

Subway station in the heart of Doha as lynchpin of the currently under construction state-of-the-art metro system in the capital of Qatar.

Major interchange featuring a toal of four main levels at depths of up to 40 m.

SOQ Joint Venture; Samsung C&T, OHL, QBC


El proyecto

Impresiones del proceso del proyecto.

Información del Proyecto

Portrait of Carlos Allepuz, Construction Manager, SOQ Joint Venture; Samsung C&T, OHL, QBC
Portrait of Carlos Allepuz, Construction Manager, SOQ Joint Venture; Samsung C&T, OHL, QBC
Carlos Allepuz
Construction Manager
PERI engineers have given us full round-the-clock technical support and reliable after sales service from day one. This close cooperation has enabled SOQ JV to use PERI cutting-edge solutions to build this very important station efficiently, safely and successfully.

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Msheireb Metro Station, Doha
Msheireb Metro Station, Doha